Welcome to WheatBags Love!

Welcome to WheatBags Love!

Hello! You’re here! I love wheatbags and I’m always so happy to hear how other people love their wheatbags too. If you haven’t used a wheatbag before then hold on because you’re about to meet your new best friend. Really. That’s what people at markets and online tell me all the time – “I love my wheatbag it’s like my new best friend!”

Seeing as this is the first blog post here I wanted to give you a little over view about how WheatBags Love came about.

My name is Kim and I’m a wheatbagaholic. I used to be a massage therapist and this is where I first discovered how good wheatbags are for tight sore muscles. I certainly used one at the end of every day after ironing out other people’s kinks all day! I wanted to sell some in my clinic because I knew how much they would benefit my clients. There came the problem. Do you know how many ugly wheatbags there are out there? Lots. You know the ones. The ugly corduroy things that come in such inspiring colours as black and brown. So 5 years ago I started making my own, after all I can use a sewing machine. Picking the fabrics was heaps of fun. Back then I used quilting fabric from the local craft store.

They worked really well and I loved making them. When it came time to leave massage (the poor body needed a break!) I just moved into making wheatbags full time. This is where I started designing and screenprinting my own fabrics. Even more fun.

Along the way I also made cushions, teatowels, handbags then later jewellery all under the label Emiti.

Which brings us to now where in the middle of this year I decided that the wheatbags had been neglected in amongst all the other things I was making. They were still my favourite product because I really felt like I was selling a product that was useful and had meaning in people’s lives. So I created WheatBags Love to give them the spotlight they deserve and they have been loving it. I’ve worked really hard to keep them Australian made wheatbags as well.

Please make sure you check out our stockist page to see all the lovely retailers who have come on board in the last 6 months and if there’s a store near you make sure you get to feel and smell them in person!

Health and looking after yourself are important values for me and I’ll be sharing lots of information on this blog that I find useful and hopefully you will too. I’ll also share images of all the behind scenes action of making our products, as well as interviews with other relevant makers. Follow us on instagram and facebook too to stay up to date.

Thanks, stay tuned and have a great joy filled day!


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